WWM has a list and a profile of Neighbors who desire to have a Friend. Most will be referred to WWM by a service provider, outreach worker or ministry and will be asked to fill out an application so we understand a bit more about them. We will know their age, the area they reside, a little about their interests and hobbies and a preference of whom they can relate to when paired (I.e. Vet, Youth, Senior, etc). If referred, we will have the opportunity to talk with the person who referred them to better understand their individual profile.
WWM has a list and a profile of volunteer Friends who have completed all of the requirements, including training and have filled out a final ‘pairing preference’ to help with the process. We will encourage Friends to get out of their comfort zone and pray about where God is touching their heart and to what population (person) He is leading them. We will also be praying for a God-ordained uniting of the two.
WWM will connect with each person when ready to be paired and assist in determining the place to meet and greet. These beginning meetings can be:
- In a location (I.e. restaurant/coffee house/park) that has been recommended by those familiar with the area where the Neighbor lives.
- With other WWM pairings in a predetermined time/location.
- At one of our quarterly meetings.
- At a coordinated meeting place organized by your church ambassador.
- Through outreach opportunities.